Membership at St Pauls
St. Paul’s Episcopal
How to Become a Member
There are four ways to become a member at St. Paul’s:
- Baptism: The Episcopal Church considers that anyone who has been baptized with water in the name of the Trinity, in any church or denomination, has been validly baptized. Those who have not been baptized become members of the church through baptism. Children who are being baptized need sponsors (called “godparents.”) Sponsors should be active members of a church.
- Transfer: Those who have already been baptized become members by transferring from another church or denomination. Letters of transfer are requested by the church office on your behalf.
- Reception: Those who have been both baptized and have made a mature statement of faith in another Christian denomination but who wish to become Episcopalians are “received” into the church by an Episcopal bishop.
- Confirmation: Confirmation is an adult affirmation of baptismal vows. The rite of Confirmation involves the laying of hands by an Episcopal Bishop. At St. Paul’s, young persons are normally confirmed around the age of 16, after having been part of the formation program, Journey to Adulthood. Through confirmation, teenagers reaffirm the baptismal vows that their parents made for them when they were baptized as infants. Adults who are baptized by an Episcopal bishop are, in effect, baptized and confirmed at the same time. Adults may attend an “Episcopal 101” class and meet with the Rector to prepare for Confirmation.
It is not necessary to be confirmed to be an adult member in good standing at Paul’s. However, confirmation is required for eligibility to vote and to serve in almost all elected offices in the church, and some appointed offices as well.
To enroll as a member of St. Paul’s, please click on the link below, complete the Membership Form and return it to the church office, 309 S. Jackson St. Jackson, MI 49201.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 517-787-3370.