
Bishop Bonnie Perry

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Bonnie A. Perry


The Rt. Rev. Dr. Bonnie A. Perry is the 11th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan (EDOMI).  She was consecrated as bishop on Feb. 8,  2020 — a position that oversees a diocese that consists of 77 congregations in the southeastern region of Michigan. EDOMI comprises over 16,000 baptized members in the Detroit metropolitan area and adjacent regions that stretch as far west as Lansing, Jackson, and Hillsdale. Prior to her election as bishop, Perry spent 27 years as rector of All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Chicago, one of the largest and the most active congregations in the Diocese of Chicago.

Jadon Hartsuff

The Rev. Jadon D. Hartsuff

517-787-3370 ext. 3 or

Father Jadon (aka Pastor Jadon or just Jadon), a Jackson native, earned a B.A. in Economics and Management from Albion College and enjoyed a first career in business that took him to Detroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles. He earned a Master of Divinity, with honors, from The General Theological Seminary in NYC and served churches in Lancaster, PA, Denver, CO, and Washington, D.C., before returning home to Jackson, where his family connection to St. Paul's goes back five generations. Fun fact, his first job, in high school, was as our weekend sexton! Father Jadon is also a chaplain in the U.S. Navy Reserve and currently serves with the Marine Corps in addition to being our priest!

Alice M

Alice Mulhearn

Parish Office Administrator
517-787-3370 ext. 2 or

Alice has been the Parish Administrator at St. Paul’s since March 2018. She wears many hats in her role as office manager: Answering phones and emails, maintaining the church calendar and parish contact lists, producing worship leaflets and newsletters, coordinating activities with our different ministries, and assisting the Rector and other St. Paul’s staff. She has a B.S. in Finance and spent many years in the corporate world first in Finance, and then in Human Resources for AT&T, before taking a long break to raise her kids. She was a substitute teacher for 6 years before coming to St. Paul’s, and although she misses the teachers and students she met during that time, she loves the change of pace of our little office here.  She’s  been married to husband Pete for 33 years and blessed with two children, Conor and Katie. Her pup Bonnie Mae, who loves to greet visitors at St. Paul’s, is a frequent office mate and she has two crazy cats at home as well.

Carolyn Moser

Carolyn Moser

517-787-3370 ext. 4 or

Carolyn Moser, Accountant, has a business background with a degree in Accounting from Michigan State and an MBA from Baker College. Carolyn spent almost 20 years as a local business owner of Anderson Printing in downtown Jackson until she sold the business in 2017. Since 2018, Carolyn has done the accounting for several non-profits in Jackson. She has two children, Dustin and Savannah. Very active in the community, Carolyn was a Rotarian for eighteen years and a member of Business and Professional Women for several years. She has also served on the board of the Jackson Interfaith Shelter, The American Red Cross, The Chamber of Commerce, The Rotary Club of Jackson and The Rotary Foundation of Jackson. In addition, she has volunteered with Big Brother Big Sisters, taught Financial Peace University, and given countless hours to her church and the schools her children have attended.

Jeff WIlkinson Choir Director

Jeff Wilkinson

Choir Director & Cantor

Jeff is a life-long musician and the son of two music teachers. He began his professional vocal career in 2006 and has since been in 40 opera productions, both in roles and also in opera choruses, notably at the Detroit Opera House, where he spent seven seasons. Jeff has also sung sacred music for a long time; a major highlight was singing in the Schola of Christ Church Grosse Pointe, and getting to tour and sing in places like Westminster Abbey. Jeff has a Bachelor of Music in voice performance from the University of Michigan, and a Master of Arts in Liturgical Music from St. John's School of Theology in Collegeville, Minnesota. Currently, in addition to directing the choir at St. Paul’s, Jeff teaches private voice lessons through the Jackson Symphony’s Community Music School. He also has a full time job as a reading interventionist at Springport Elementary, working with 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders. Alongside his music career, Jeff has held a wide variety of odd jobs in fields as diverse as education, media, transportation, labor, and hospitality, providing Jeff a unique view into many different walks of life!